About Peachtree City Chiropractic

Dr. Bost began chiropractic practice in Peachtree City, GA in 1991. After establishing a thriving business, it became clear that in order to fully affect a patient's health, nutrition must be addressed. Since that realization, nutrition has become a big part of our clinic. We provide clinical nutritional counseling and the ITG Weight Loss Plan. Our weight loss department has helped patients lose over 2000 pounds in just 2 years. I myself lost 51 pounds on the protein diet and have kept it off for that 2 year period! Not only are our patients losing weight, but they are having their medications reduced and totally eliminated by their medical doctors.

It has thrilled me to hear of our patients reducing their blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication and pain medications. Even some of our Type 2 Diabetics have been taken off their insulin with the improvements of their health. It is so fulfilling to know that our clinic is helping people reclaim their health and their lives! Our weight loss coaches are compassionate about helping our patients reach their weight loss goals and always help motivate their clients to stick to the Plan so that their goals are reached.

Staff Members

Dr. Cliff Bost - Doctor and weight loss supervisor.

Michelle Norton - Weight loss coach.

Maribeth Blair - Weight loss coach.